Sunday, 27 November 2011

Western Islands - Gloucester

After a good nights sleep we awoke to find that snow had fallen while we slept.

It was a bright but crisp morning as we headed eastwards through the channel seperating the two islands before turning North to the two islands in Ogunquit.

On reaching the larger of the islands we thought this must be inhabited by really sporty outdoor types judging by the windsurfer and surfboard.

However on investigation, after hearing what appeared to be snoring close by, we found the owner who appeared NOT to be so sporty.

We quietly left him to his nap and went back to the boat to sail the short distance to the smaller island.

This was a lovely little lovers paradise with a wonderful warm fire and a guitar to seranade your lover before retiring to the tent for "cuddles"

This really completed the western half of the islands, however to reach home we decided to visit Winter Island which was on our way home to Marblehead and also to show you some pictures of the village square in Marblehead itself.

Winter Island itself is uninhabited at present.

Although there were some good hills to use our excellent TrYc sled's on

After a couple of glasses of Burgundy to warm us up we headed south on the last leg of this part of our trip and headed south to the main village of Marblehead.

And soon we were pulling into the main harbour of Marblehead.

And here are some pictures of the delightful village of Marblehead.

After a bit of window shopping and re-stocking on the Burgundy, we set sail and after a very short trip arrived home to some relaxation and a well deserved break.

Next up, after our break, will be a visit to the Eastern Islands, so watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Buck, did you know the TrYC sled comes with a couple pose? Yeah, you can ride that thing two-up!
